Support and FAQs

Tutorial videos

There are a selection of tutorial videos useful for showing in class or training. There are also some that are help with setting up the school and importing student details.

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Getting started

Logging in

More info about ways to login, including the new email free "Sign in with" buttons.

What to do if PIN emails are blocked by your email service provider.

How to add students and teachers

Teachers and students can be added to the database one at at time, as needed. Student details can be imported in bulk from a spreadsheet.

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Setting new tests for your students

There are several options for setting tests for your students. You can control the difficulty and the amount of help available. Also, tests can best setup as live, ideal for the classroom.

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Other common Admin tasks (FAQs)

Some Common Admin Tasks and how to complete them.

Installing on a school network

The easiest way to install the app of a PC is via the Microsoft store but this is not always possible.

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Admin structure and Authorisation

Account admins can decide which members of staff can change what about the school. In general, all staff can see all areas within their "school" but can only change certain things.

Account structure, staff roles and what authorisations they bestow.

About the "Encryption Key"

Schools choose an encryption key when the account is setup to allows them to control of data. This is used to encrypt the names of students so that only teachers with this key can read the names of students.

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Why is there a sync button?

The app uses a sync button to connect to the servers. This means student are in control of their internet usage and when connections are made.

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Multiple Schools in one account?

The core of the app is designed to support multiple schools sharing an account. However this is not available at the moment. The current recommendation would be to have one account per school. If necessary, an admin can have more than one account logged-in on their device. Please contact us if you have any queries about this.