Email Issues

New Login using "Sign in with" buttons

If your school use Microsoft, Google or Apple for your email, you can use the "Sign in with" buttons. No emails are needed and filtering issues are avoided.

More info here

What to do if PIN emails are not getting through?

Key Information:

The SPF and DKIM authentication checks had been configured will satisfy most email filters that the PIN email is genuine. However, there are other factors outside our direct control which may cause aggressive spam filter settings to reject these emails.

  • If you have not done so, please check your spam or junk folder.
  • Check the server-level filter policy.

    The admin for your school email service will need to check this.

    The above email address (or the domain needs to be added to the "Safe Senders" or "Approved Senders" list.

    Methods for doing this are well documented but the exact method will depend upon the service provider you use and also the service level of your contract.

Please contact us if you have any further questions.